So as you can see this is the error message that I have been getting on my computer since last Thursday. But, what's funny is that it's not Microsoft's fault. Here's the story.
My computer was running rather slowly on Thursday so I ran a virus check and it was fine. Then I pressed my blue thinkvantage button and ran a diagnostic in the defragmenting program that comes with the computer. It's not the Microsoft one, it's different. The diagnostic then said my hard drive needed defragmenting.
That evening I sat my computer down and began to defragment. no more than 20 seconds into running the program my computer shut down on it's own, and this screen came up.
I first went to the rescue and recovery section at the booting start of the computer and it asked me for my password, but it then said that i have not configured a password and i would not get access until I do. Unfortunately, this can only be done when the computer is running.
So, I call Lenovo.
I was told to reset my bios clock by two days. Nothing happened. I still got the error. He then said i would be mailed boot disks.
Flash forward to MONDAY when I finally receive the boot disks and directions.
After following the directions I am right back at the Rescue and Recovery screen being asked for my password. Lenovo then said there is no default password and I would have to completely delete the hard drive and start over. I was told to go to the Lenovo website and download something called PC doctor which was supposed to perform this function for me. Once again, the error screen returned, so I called lenovo again. I was then told that PC doctor was not what i need to do, so it was good that it didn't work and what I really needed to do was run a diagnostic on my hard drive through the bios software. About an hour later the test finished and I called the 24/7 Lenovo hotline, only to find out that open cases have operating hours of 8 AM to 8 PM.
I have not been so dissatisfied with any customer service like this is ages, I am rather distraught because I have lots of work I need to do and I feel like I've wasted a ton of money.
So, until tomorrow I am still at square one.
Matt, I just wanted to say I think it's hilarious that the corrupted file is called hal.dll
It's like 2001: A Space Odyssey
"Open the Lenovo, HAL."
"I'm sorry, Matthew...I can't do that."
I have a very different problem with my Lenovo; one that many other students suffer from. My computer either does not connect to the wireless internet when I turn it on or it randomly disconnects (losing the signal). I can refresh my wireless networks, but the computer shows nothing.
Now, in order to get it reconnected, I sit in class and open and close the computer or sometimes turning it on and off until finally the computer seems to realize that there is a wireless network.
Annoying..... grrr!
Thanks for sharing your troubles.
We have opened a formal complaint on your behalf and a member of our customer relations team will be in contact with you shortly.
Mark Hopkins
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